Sie finden unser Labor in Bad Wörishofen,
der Wirkungsstätte Kneipps

Laborgröße : 11 Mitarbeiter, davon 4 Meister

Spezialgebiete : Implantate, Keramik-Arbeiten, Konusarbeiten, Zirkonoxidarbeiten

29 Jahre Zahntechnik aus Meisterhand

Our laboratory is situated in Bad Wörishofen where the famous „waterdoctor Sebastian Kneipp“ had his sphere of activity.
Facts of laboratory: 11 employees including 4 master technicians.
Specialities: Implantworks, all kinds of ceramic works, telesopic works, zirkonoxyd works.
29 years of experience with works out of masterhands.
If you have further questions pls. contact us.